Special Events and News of 2002

8/23/02: To read the latest Cover Story
in last weeks Soap Opera Weekly
Viki and Ben, Together At Last
Click Here

Soap Opera Weekly, September 3, 2002


Playing someone in a coma isn't exactly lying down on the job. Just ask Mark Derwin, whose One Life To Live character, Ben, lapses into another one this week. "When I first got chucked out the window and went into a coma, I didn't do a good job at all," he confesses. "I was telling people it was a 'conjunctivitis coma,' that's why my eyes were moving."

The kep is relaxation. "I went up [to the soundstage] to settle in and they went right to tape; I never got a chance to relax. Plus, if I hear people I care about whispering in my ear about how much they love me, it's hard to block it out. {Bob} Woods (Bo) gave me an idea to wear earplubs. He said he did that when Bo was in a coma because he knew that Philly and Clint {Phil Carey and Clint Ritchie, Asa and ex-Clint} were going to mess with him."

Derwin also has gone the herbal route. "I take this valerian root that one of our makeup people told me about. It's supposed to settle you down."

As long as he doesn't get to comfy. "I fell asleep a lot of times when I was in the first coma," Derwin admits. "You wake up in the middle of a scene and you hear someone talking. It's weird. I even fell asleep the other days when I was shot and lying on the floor."

And covered in "blood" -- that'll wake a guy up in a hurry.

Ben [Mark Derwin] and Viki are apart now -- but what was it that made them work as a loving couple? Erika Slezak replies: "In the beginning, they were very different people. But it turned out to be the best marriage because they were so different."


SPOTTED! Erika Slezak (Viki/Niki, OLTL) sporting a fashionable red sheath and blazer, courtesy of Ann Taylor, in honor of the Seventh Annual Salute to Breast Cancer Survivors at the Ann Taylor flagship store on Madison Ave. in New York City. The fashion showcase, featuring breast cancer survivors as models, kicked off the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's New York City Walk for the Cure. "I'm going to hit up everyone I know," exclaimed Slezak, who will participate in this year's walk-a-thon on Sep. 15. "I'm going to be there in Central Park and raise as much money as I can." Made aware of the cause after portraying Viki's harrowing battle with breast cancer in 2000, Slezak became an active participant in the fight against the disease. "I'm obviously not a scientist, so I couldn't work in the lab," Slezak tells TV Guide Online, so she put her voice and sneakers to work for the cause. "More people should be aware of the walk," she declares.

Back in Llanview, Slezak is anticipating the exit of two of her favorite characters. "I really will miss Niki," who makes a dramatic exit this week. "I will tell you unashamedly, [playing her] was the most fun I've ever had." Ben will also exit, as his portrayer Mark Derwin prepares for his new primetime series Life With Bonnie, which premieres Sep. 17. "I told him that I was going to tell everyone not to watch [the show] so they have no ratings and he has to come back to us," Slezak jokes. "That's not true. I hope it's a huge hit ... It's wonderful for him."

Have We Seen The Last Of Allison?

Out - Barbara Garrick, who reprised the role of Allison Perkins one year ago, will last air on Tuesday, August 27, when her character is carted away … at least for now.

The InDepth Story - Since returning to the role she originated in 1986, Garrick has had a blast as the character who single-handedly changed the fates of Jessica, Natalie and Viki. "This is the longest I've ever done a soap," says the actress. "I was very young when I did the first run, and I didn't take it very seriously. This time, I approached it as more of a professional and got more enjoyment out of the work." Garrick also has the chance to forge lasting bonds with several castmates. "I loved working with Mark Derwin (Ben) when he played Dave," she says. "I've known Ilene Kristen (Roxanne) for a couple of years, and we're great friends. Our sanitarium stuff was great. And Catherine Hickland (Lindsay) and I have become very close."

Next up for Garrick is a vacation before the fall premiere of the feature film Far From Heaven, in which she plays pal to Julianne Moore. Should Allison one day be released from her padded cell, would Garrick return? "I think so," she says. "It depends on what else is going on with my career, but I have no reason not to want to work with these people again."

SOD: 8/20/02 - Niki (Erika Slezak) just took a swing at Ben.
Will her violence be the end of Ben and Viki forever?

Mark Derwin replies: "Ben and Viki will be together again -
- they have to be. Otherwise, that would be tragic."

SID - Bang! Who Takes A Bullet?

This week on OLTL, all hell brakes loose when Allison's hostage situation begins to unravel. After fleeing Rae's house, the nut heads for Viki's cabin, gun in hand, Lindsay and Niki in tow.

Allison Points Her Weapon! - Back in Llanview, Mollie has decided to head up to Viki's cabin with her own agenda. She plans on confronting Rex about his feelings for her and Shawna. The pushy minx enters the home uninvited, and immediately recognizes "Mrs. Davidson" in a compromising situation. Before she knows it, the cocky co-ed is drawn into Allison's dangerous game. Allison quickly loses her cool` and realizes that she has one bullet to use, and decides that Lindsay will be her target. But she has second thoughts when she thinks about Mollie's threat as a potential witness. "Could I shoot them both with one bullet?" she wonders aloud.

A Shot Is Fired! - Just as Bo, Antonio and Ben are heading for Viki's cabin, Niki makes a run for it. Meanwhile, Allison decides that she'll next flee to Canada. The men arrive at the scene just as the women are attempting to make their getaway. And in the heat of the moment, Antonio fires his gun - leaving someone critically wounded. For whom has the end arrived?



Niki tries to strangle a gun-toting Allison. Lindsay hears a shot fired and asks Allison if she needs help. Allison tells her if she comes downstairs, she'll shoot her. Allison manages to knock Viki out and put her back in the trunk. She orders Lindsay to drive up to Llantano Mountain. When they arrive, Allison announces she has one bullet left---which blonde will she blow away? Niki tells Allison to shoot Lindsay because Niki could be of more help. Lindsay is stunned and Niki reveals she's not Viki, she's Niki! They are interrupted when a college kid arrives at the cabin, and Allison takes him/her (doesn't specify) hostage too. Allison is about to shoot but Ben, Bo and Antonio show up, thanks to a tip from Roxy. Lindsay risks her life to stop Allison, as Niki tries to escape. Someone is shot---methinks it's Lindsay. The chaos and trauma causes Niki to lose control of Viki's body...Viki is back. She and Ben share a reunion, then plan to leave Llanview together.

SOW - Cover Story
OLTL - Together At Last - Ben and Viki Reunited!

Viki's tenure as the personality-plus Niki comes to a dramatic conclusion this week on OLTL when a police raid of Viki's cabin results in a heroic act by Lindsay, a major character being shot, Viki's re-emergence and - at long last - Ben and Viki's reunion.

"This is the end of Niki Smith," affirms executive producer Gary Tomlin. The action picks up in Rae's basement, where Niki is strangling a pistol-packing Allison. "Somehow the gun gets turned around, points between us, and goes off," sets up Erika Slezak (Viki/Niki) in character. "There's a bullet hole in my shirt, because I have this loose shirt on." Lindsay, who still has no clue that Allison is holding hostages in the basement, hears the shot and calls out to her former cellmate. "She has started to hear things and has realized two plus two isn't equaling four anymore," offers Catherine Hickland (Lindsay). "It's creepy." Allison regains control of the guns and shouts out to Lindsay that she's packing heat and will shoot her too, if she dares to come downstairs. Lindsay stays put while Allison gags Niki, drags her outside and tosses her into the car trunk. Ms. Perkins then summons Lindsay and orders her to drive.

The women end up at Viki's cabin on Llantano Mountain, where Allison announces that she has one bullet left and she is going to use it on the unlucky blonde. "Viki tries to convince Allison to spare her, saying she is much more useful than Lindsay. Lindsay is shocked by "Viki's" behavior. Finally "Viki" tells Lindsay she is Niki Smith. "It's one of the most hair-raising things," shudders Hickland, "because you don't meet multiple-personality people every day. You think you're in the company of someone who's sane and wears sensible shoes, and then all of a sudden it's like …." (Hickland makes a creepy horror movie noise.) Just when Allison decides who will live and who will die, there's a knock on the door. The unfortunate visitor (hint: it's a Llanview University student) becomes yet another hostage - and target. However, as Allison takes aim, Bo, Ben and Antonio who tracked down Allison thanks to Roxy, burst in. During the showdown, Lindsay puts her life on the line trying to stop Allison. Meanwhile, Niki uses the diversion to try to escape, but a gun goes off (Allison's? Antonio's? Bo's?) and someone is shot.

The tragedy "brings Viki out in a heartbeat," previews Slezak. "It's a short thing: She puts her head down, gets the head pain, and then is gone and Viki is back." For good, this time. But will she and Ben live happily ever after? Let's just say the show has figured out a clever way to keep them together for a while. Ben and Viki will leave Llanview together to accommodate Mark Derwin's (Ben) absence (he's co-starring in the new prime-time series Life With Bonnie) and Erika Slezak's (Viki) summer vacation. Attention: If you are a Ben and Blondie fan, do not miss the Aug. 30 episode.

SID - Ins & Outs

OLTL - Viki Loses Ben! - Out - As Mark Derwin leaves to shoot the new sitcom LIFE WITH BONNIE, where does that leave OLTL's Ben and Viki?

The InDepth Story - An OLTL rep tells SID that Derwin will take a leave of absence from the soap to fly to Los Angeles, where he will tape the first episode of his new primetime gig, in which he plays Bonnie Hunt's doctor husband. Look for Derwin's departure - he last airs Friday, August 30 - to be punctuated with a memory-filled montage of Viki and Ben's best moments.

SOW - Cover Story

OLTL - Together At Last - Ben and Blondie Say Buh-Bye To Niki -
Have OLTLers really seen the last of Niki Smith?
"She'll probably have to return at some point because she's got to spill the beans," theorizes Erika Slezak (Viki/Niki), pointing out that viewers still don't know Niki's big secret. "But she'll have to come back under controlled circumstances with someone who knows what he or she is doing." (Translation: not Rae). "The reason Niki came out is going to be a big problem for Viki," adds executive producer Gary Tomlin. "That will play out through the fall. There are some big surprises." For the time being, though, Niki is history - much to Mark Derwin's (Ben) delight and Erika Slezak's (Viki) dismay…….

Update - Mark Derwin's last appearance as OLTL's Ben is Aug. 30. The door has been left open for his return.

Have We Seen The Last Of Allison?

Out - Barbara Garrick, who reprised the role of Allison Perkins one year ago, will last air on Tuesday, August 27, when her character is carted away … at least for now.

The InDepth Story - Since returning to the role she originated in 1986, Garrick has had a blast as the character who single-handedly changed the fates of Jessica, Natalie and Viki. "This is the longest I've ever done a soap," says the actress. "I was very young when I did the first run, and I didn't take it very seriously. This time, I approached it as more of a professional and got more enjoyment out of the work." Garrick also has the chance to forge lasting bonds with several castmates. "I loved working with Mark Derwin (Ben) when he played Dave," she says. "I've known Ilene Kristen (Roxanne) for a couple of years, and we're great friends. Our sanitarium stuff was great. And Catherine Hickland (Lindsay) and I have become very close."

Next up for Garrick is a vacation before the fall premiere of the feature film Far From Heaven, in which she plays pal to Julianne Moore. Should Allison one day be released from her padded cell, would Garrick return? "I think so," she says. "It depends on what else is going on with my career, but I have no reason not to want to work with these people again."

Soap Opera Weekly, August 13, 2002


Niki goes on the run this week on OLTL when Ben and Bo finally figure out that she has taken over Viki and tried to kill Ben.

"People come up to me and say,"How can Ben be so stupid?" relates MD."It's easy to play smart on a soap; it's hard to play stupid. It's a lost art. You gotta ignore the stuff in front of you."

Ever since Ben returned home from the hospital he has been trying to  remember his tumble out the window."And Niki is trying to help Ben avoid remembering,"notes Derwin."He's getting angry with her, frustrated with how she's reacting to him trying to remember." Ben and "Viki" argue, which jolts him into recalling that Niki pushed him.

But just as the memories come flooding back, Niki bonks him over the head and escapes."Hell she pushed me out a window, and I let her whack me again,"cracks Derwin in character." I can take on the mob any day. That's nothing. Take on Erika Slezak? Forget it!"

Meanwhile, Bo who also figures out the truth, thanks to a tip from Cris, shows up at Llanfair. Ben comes to and send Bo after Niki, but Niki escaped to Roxy's place, where she runs into Natalie. Natalie doesn't buy "Viki's " act, so she flees to get help-but Niki is the one who will need assistance when Allision shows up with a gun.

SOW Viewers Voice Results: August 13, 2002

Question: Are you enjoying the Viki/Niki storyline?
91% are sick of the Viki/Niki storyline.
"It''s gone on way too long, and it's time for Viki and Ben to reconnect."
9% are enjoying it and can't wait to see what happens next.

From SOD: With Niki running things on the outside, where has Viki been all this time?
Erika Slezak (with Mark Derwin as Ben) replies:

"Inside, screaming. Desperate. She comes out just in Niki's mind."

Soaps In Depth, August 20, 2002

Her secret out, Niki winds up with a gun pointed at her head!

SID: Niki's scam is Finally Exposed!

At long last, OLTL's Niki is dragged out of the closet! Will the off-kilter alter finally pay for her crimes? And will Viki soon be able to reclaim her life – and true love Ben?

The In Depth Story: As Ben stands in Niki's bedroom this week, he is besieged by memories of the fateful afternoon that he was hurled out the window – accompanied by horrifying images of Niki Smith!

Later, when he shares the news with his "wife", a tense confrontation ensues. Desperate, Niki pretends that Viki is in control – until she gets the opportunity to knock Ben out cold! "Niki has been up to some pretty nasty shenanigans," says her portrayer, Erika Slezak. "It's been more than unpleasant for Ben, to say the least, and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse."

Leaving Ben unconscious Niki hightails it out of Llanfair and heads for Roxy's cabin – where she runs into escaped convict Allison, whom she thanks for facilitating her return from Viki's subconscious. "Allison is a key part of the story," notes Slezak. "That character is very primal and does everything on that level. Who knows what can happen when Niki and Allison have a confrontation?"

Meanwhile, when Cristian shares with Bo the evidence he has found, both men deduce that Niki is in control and tried to kill Ben. Bo promptly puts out an APB on the hellion!

Back at Roxy's cabin, Allison points Rae's gun at Niki, but Viki's alter is smart enough to know that the would-be shrink's gun is never loaded. Yet despite her failure at intimidation, Allison is able to overpower Niki and lock her in a trunk!

Coming up next, it's a battle of wills when Niki ends up in the most unlikely predicament!

ABC Soaps In Depth, August 20th, 2002, Vol. 6, Issue 34

Readers' Poll

One Life To Live: InDepth asked... Do you think Niki has irreparably
damaged Ben and Viki's relationship?

Reader Reaction:
62% NEVER!
Although Niki did her darndest to get Ben out of the picture, fans refuse to give up,
"As long as Ben is alive, there is hope," writes one.

Soaps In Depth, July 9th, 2002, Vol. 6, Issue 28

Will A New Blondie Split Ben & Viki?

PSSST: Is a primetime sitcom going to steal away Mark Derwin (Ben) from OLTL?

The In Depth Story: A rep from Touchstone Television tells Soaps In Depth that Derwin has been tapped to replace Brian Kerwin (Beggars & Choosers, Ex-greg, The Young & The Restless) as the male lead in LIFE WITH BONNIE, the ABC sitcom slated for fall starring Bonnie Hunt. This is the second time that Derwin has worked opposite Hunt, the first time being on the funny woman's 1996 series, THE BONNIE HUNT SHOW.

But what does this show--which beings production in August in LosAngeles--mean for Derwin's day job, which tapes in New York City? A rep for OLTL says the actor, still under contract with the soap, will continue to appear as Ben while working on BONNIE.

Soaps In Depth, July 23, 2002, Vol. 6 Issue 30

They're too Sexy!

In this issue of Soaps In Depth, each of the ABC soaps announced who their fans choose as Daytimes Sexiest Men. Cristian Vega, was Number #1 for OLTL with Troy MacIver, Ben Davidson and Max Holden as Runners Up for OLTL.

New York Daily News Column Friday, June 21st, 2002


Mark Derwin, who plays Ben on "One Life to Live," has nabbed the role of Bonnie Hunt's husband in her new ABC prime-time series launching this fall, "Life With Bonnie."

Mark Derwin

"I'm under contract to ABC to both shows now," Derwin says. "As of now, I'm going out to Los Angeles to do 13 shows with Bonnie. When that's over, someone is going to tell me where to go. Literally."

Derwin played Hunt's boss on her last prime-time effort in 1995, "The Bonnie Hunt Show," and they stayed in touch.

"She is very loyal to the people she's worked with before," Derwin says. "A lot of people working on this show were on the last show. It's an ensemble cast, and she wants people that work well in an ensemble. That would define me. I've never had a problem talking about story line or shooting a cover, but I'm not into promoting myself. I think she was looking for those kind of actors."

Derwin is leaving "OLTL" at a critical point in the story line. Ben's beloved wife, Viki, who long has battled multiple-personality disorder, has secretly become bad girl Niki and will try to kill him next week.

"I don't want to leave anyone hanging," Derwin says. "We're going to figure out a way to work this out so that Ben and Viki will be together again. A lot of viewers like us together, and they've been very supportive through my 3 1/2 years here. Often when you do a sitcom, you do three shows and then get a week off. If ["OLTL"] says, 'We need you in New York,' I'm on a plane."

Derwin will be one of the many soap stars at the Celebrity Bartending Benefit for Engine 40/Ladder 35 and Engine 74 at Blondies Sports Bar on Thursday at 7 p.m.

"Anything for the cause," he says. "Anything to help the Police Department and the Fire Department. And I'll recruit as many actors as I can to come with me."

Soap Opera Digest, July 2, 2002, Volume 27, No. 27

Question: For Guiding Light alums, what was your favorite storyline or memory?

Mark Derwin (Ben OLTL; ex-Mallet, GL)

"My favorite storyline was the romance between Harley and Mallet...Then, there was the time Mallet had a Christmas miracle and could walk; I was struggling to get out of the wheelchair, and [Beth Ehlers, Harley] comes running over as I'm falling, and the director at the time said it was a pretty good scene because of the look on my face. What they didn't know was that she nailed me in the [groin]--almost knocked the wind out of me. Not acting. I think they used that scene at the Emmys later that year."

SOW - Viewers' Voice - July 9th, 2002

OLTL - Prior Issue's Question:
Who is Llanview's hottest couple?

38 % Todd and Téa. "They're not called TnT for nothing!"

35% Ben and Viki.

7% Todd and Blair.

7% Todd and Troy.

13% picked others, including Keri and Antonio, and Jen and Cristian.

Soap Opera Digest, July 2nd, 2002

OLTL's Derwin Hits Prime Time

Mark Derwin will be leaving the role of Ben on OLTL - at least for the time being - to play Bonnie Hunt's husband on an ABC sitcom debuting this fall titled LIFE WITH BONNIE. "I'm so grateful to ABC, [Executive Producer] Gary Tomlin, [Former President of ABC Daytime] Angela Shapiro and everybody who made it possible," smiles the actor. "It's not every day that you're allowed to leave a show for a while to do something else."

Derwin, who worked with Hunt on her previous sitcom, THE BONNIE HUNT SHOW, in 1995, says the call came out of the blue from the actress herself. "I got a message from her that she got a new show, and she wanted to run some things by me," he says. "I was at work. The first thing I did was tell Erika [Slezak, Viki/Niki]. I talked to Bonnie that evening, and she told me about the character, the show, how much she thought I'd love to do it and how much she'd love to have me. They originally had someone else…., but it didn't work out, so she was trying to get me."

It remains to be seen how Derwin will juggle daytime and prime-time on two different coasts, or what OLTL will do with Ben while Derwin is in L.A. "I'm not sure how that's all going to work," he admits. "I am just so thrilled to have the opportunity. But I'm going to miss Erika. I have such love and respect for her. We have fun every day we work together - even when she's Niki trying to stab me with a letter opener."

Soap Opera Weekly, July 2nd, 2002

Stop The Presses
Derwin Off OLTL For Now

Mark Derwin (Ben, One Life To Live) has nabbed the role of Bonnie Hunt's husband on the new ABC sitcom Life With Bonnie, which airs on Tuesday nights this fall.

"I'm so grateful to ABC for letting me do this," he enthuses. "The show has been picked up for 13 [episodes], so we'll see what happens. It's very charming. Bonnie plays Bonnie Malloy, and she has got this local morning talk show called Good Morning Chicago. It's funny and clean. There's nothing racy or anything like that on it. I'm a doctor - I can't get away from that! Thank God it's a comedy."

The chance to work with Bonnie Hunt again (Derwin played her boss on the 1995 comedy The Bonnie Hunt Show) was too good to pass up. "She's the funniest woman that I have ever, ever worked with or met," he marvels. "She's an amazing writer and director, too. We have a good working relationship. I learned a tremendous amount working with her. And she's so sweet and loyal - she doesn't forget people."

Obviously not. Actor Brian Kerwin had played Hunt's husband in the pilot, but the powers-that-be decided they wanted to go a different way with the character for the series. So Hunt called Derwin directly to ask about his availability. "There were some problems because I'm in a contract," he notes, reiterating his gratitude to OLTL for letting him out of said contract to pursue the opportunity.

As for his character, "Ben is going to have to go away for awhile," says Derwin, adding that he has no idea how OLTL will make that happen. "I hope there is some kind of closure for the Ben /Viki fans, but I can go back and forth if they want, too," he points out.

Derwin reports for work at his new job in Los Angeles in early August, and he'll be joining someone from the competition" Passions Marianne Muellerleile (Norma/Peggy) is another regular on the show. She'll play Malloy's housekeeper, Gloria. Unlike Derwin, Muellerleile does not have a contract with Passions, but she s expected to do double-duty as needed.


FROM TV GUIDE June 14th, 2002:

Dr. Ben Davidson (One Life To Live)
& Dr. John Malloy (Life With Bonnie)


The second time's the charm for One Life to Live's Mark Derwin (Ben). The actor is pairing up once again with film and TV vet Bonnie Hunt to star in the new primetime sitcom, Life with Bonnie, slated to roll out in the ABC fall lineup. They first appeared together on CBS's The Bonnie Hunt Show. "I worked with Bonnie back in 1995, and we had a really good relationship," Derwin tells TV Guide Online. Derwin is stepping in for Brian Kerwin (Beggers and Choosers). "The gentleman cast in the role didn't work out," Derwin explains. "[Bonnie] called me to see what my situation was." Determined to bring Derwin back to her canvas, Hunt convinced executives to let Derwin test for the show. "She got the ball rolling," he says. "It happened really fast. I didn't have time to think about it."

Life with Bonnie, which will be shot on the West Coast, calls for a change of address for Derwin, who will take a hiatus from One Life to Live to shoot the Bonnie pilot. "[ABC Daytime president] Angela Shapiro and everyone at Disney was so kind to allow me to leave [OLTL] to do this," he gushes. Derwin will shoot his first show in August. Ben may be departing Llanview for now, but Derwin wouldn't mind returning to the set on a dual work schedule. "I don't know what their plan is or what they want me to do, but I'd be willing to do anything," he shares. "My mother reminded me that I've always wanted to be bi-coastal."

On Life with Bonnie, Derwin will portray John Malloy, Hunt's husband. "I play a surgeon, I can't get away from the doctor thing," he muses. He's pleased to be teaming up again with his former primetime co-star. "I was so grateful the first time she hired me; she has my complete loyalty and trust. I was so flattered that she thought of me, let alone fought to get me."

From Daily Variety, June 7th, 2002:

Derwin subs for Kerwin
'Hunt Show' thesps reunite as husband and wife


It's Derwin for Kerwin: Actor Mark Derwin ("One Life to Live") has joined the cast of "Life With Bonnie," the new Tuesday night ABC/Touchstone laffer starring Bonnie Hunt. He replaces thesp Brian Kerwin ("Beggars and Choosers") as the husband to Hunt's character, a talkshow host. Derwin, whose credits include "The Minus Man" and "The Guiding Light," and Hunt worked together on the short-lived CBS laffer "The Bonnie Hunt Show."

In that series, which aired during the 1995-96 TV season, Hunt portrayed a TV reporter and Derwin a news exec.

Date in print: Fri., Jun. 7, 2002

Bonnie Hunt has signed on to make a TV series with ABC!
ABC is planning to unveil the show during the fall 2002 season.

On the show, Bonnie would play a TV host and working mom living in a small town. Bonnie will create, write and produce the series along with Don Lake for Touchstone Television. She may also direct the pilot. The series received a premium commitment from the network with a significant penalty attached should they decide not to pick up the show.

Mark Derwin (Ben) has been cast in ABC's and Touchstone Television upcoming comedy show, Life with Bonnie, starring Bonnie Hunt. Derwin will be playing Hunt's TV husband. Although not confirmed by ABC, the role of Ben Davidson will remain open for the actor and a recast is unlikely at this point.

Derwin joins cast of 'Life With Bonnie':

Mark Derwin has been cast as Bonnie Hunt's TV husband in ABC's upcoming "Life With Bonnie," the Touchstone Television comedy on which Ms. Hunt is star, writer, executive producer and director. Brian Kerwin played the doctor-husband role in the pilot, but he was recently cut loose.

Mr. Derwin, well known to CBS daytime audiences for roles on "Guiding Light" and "The Young and the Restless," co-starred with Ms. Hunt on her self-titled 1995 CBS comedy and has a number of prime-time guest-starring roles to his credit. He is represented by Innovative's Adena Chawke.

One Life To Live Wins "Best Daytime Drama" for 2001

Congratulations to One Life To Live's Cast and Crew on their outstanding Emmy win. They proved during OLTL LIVE week just how talented and special they were and it was wonderful to see each and every one of them honored with this win, especially given the fact that not one actor from the show received an acting nomination.
On this occasion the "cream rose to the top"!

Guiding Light's 50th Anniversary Tribute At The Emmys

Guiding Light's 50th Anniversary Tribute reunites many actors from their wonderful, rich past history. Mark Derwin's "A.C. Mallet" was definitely among them.

Firefighters Benefit At Blondies

On Thursday, June 27th OLTL, AMC and ATWT will take part in a celebrity bartending event at Blondie's in New York City from 7-11 p.m. Cost is $25 at the door, cash or check made payable to E-40/L-35. Proceeds from the event benefit the families of the 12 firefighters lost on September 11 from Engine 40/Ladder 35 and Engine 74. Among those planning to attend from OLTL are Mark Derwin, (Ben, OLTL) and Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL), Kamar De Los Reyes (Antonio, OLTL) and others along with several from AMC and ATWT. Sounds like a fun evening for a wonderful cause. Hope all the fans locally are able to get out and support them in this charitable event.

Mark Derwin who portrays Ben Davidson was chosen by the fans
as OLTL's "Best Of The Best". To see read the article and see additional photos,
Click here.

Soap Opera Weekly, April 23, 2002

"A Celebration of the Heart"

Seven Soap Stars, One Soprano and a Bunch of New York's Bravest (plus a former Miss Russia and Miss Universe) partied heartily at "A Celebration of the Heart," a benefit at One 51 for the Nino's Restaurant 9/11 Fund. Nino's was the restaurant that opened its doors to all of the rescue workers at ground zero, giving away with the help of their employees and 9,000 volunteers, an endless supply of free meals. I use the past tense because, due to it's owners' overwhelming generosity, it is now out of business and heavily in debt. But even though their doors are shuttered, the owners continue to feed the workers on site. Ironically despite having daily fed relief workers from the Red Cross, they themselves have received no monetary relief from that organization, nor from any federal, state or city agency. So this time it was a grateful member of the FDNY, whose own department has been on the receiving end of similar fund-raisers, who helped organize a benefit to offset some of the owners debts and assist them in their noble work at ground zero.

From OLTL Patricia Mauceri (Carlotta), Ilene Kristen (Roxy), Steven Richard Harris (NuSeth) and Mark Derwin (Ben) were participants who helped raise funds for this worthy cause. Patricia's dad was a firefighter for 25 years and her husband is a now-retired police captain, so she has a lot of civil servants in her family. Steve Richard Harris and his family have been rescued twice by the fire department and appreciate their good works and Steve was happy to participate in the benefit. Mark Derwin said that he'd recently gotten to know the guys in his local firehouse and also that they recently had been called to his building (on a false alarm) and later that same evening for a real fire at the building next door. Mark said they were very nice about the "false alarm". Mark goes on to say "I've always had a tremendous amount of respect for firefighters and for police officers, but even more so now after the World Trade Center." Others in attendance were Edie Falco (Carmella, The Sopranos), Trent Dawson (Henry, ATWT) and several of New York's Finest Fireman and Policeman.

To learn how you can contribute to this worthy cause and find out about a dinner benefit scheduled for April 17th, call 1-866-NINO-911.


Those Handsome Men of One Life To Live


Plenty of actors try other careers before going in front of the camera, but Mark Derwin may hold some kind of record. He mopped floors at a nursing home, tried his hand at carpentry and landscaping, worked the phones as a telemarketer, and even did the corporate thing at IBM before he found his true calling. Who knows? Maybe if he hadn't been kicked out of college after only one semester, he might not be making Viki Lord Carpenter's heart (and all of OLTL's fans') beat just a little bit faster.


Nino's Restaurant in New York City has been tirelessly donating food to Ground Zero workers since the Sept. 11 attacks. On March 29, it was their turn to receive. Firefighter Ed McNulty (who appeared in Katie's workout on As the World Turns), EMS crews, party promoters GBH.TB and MT Communications, and friends of Nino's hosted a benefit at posh NYC nightclub One 51 to raise funds for Nino's Restaurant 9/11 Fund. "It's good to get out and get everybody together to thank Nino's," says McNulty, who works on Ladder 15 in the Seaport. "We lost 14 guys, so it's been hard, but this is a good moment."

The Sopranos' Edie Falco and several soap stars came down to offer their support. "I was at work today and heard about the benefit from our hairdresser," said One Life to Live's Mark Derwin (Ben). "Once I heard what it was for, I was really happy I could come down. We try to do as much charity work as we can, but obviously this is close to home." Derwin, who has bonded with several firefighters through different functions supporting Ground Zero, said with a chuckle, "They always apologize for not watching soaps."

For Patricia Mauceri (Carlotta, OLTL), the daughter of a retired firefighter, this event was one she couldn't miss. "My heart really goes out goes out for the generosity of the restaurant that has been serving the people who have been working down at Ground Zero," she announced. "[My father] spent 35 years with the fire department, so I have a heart for that, and I know that Nino's really has a heart for the people of New York." As the World Turns was well represented as Trent Dawson (Henry), Scott Holroyd (Paul) and Hunter Garner (Billy) mingled with the crowds. Steve Richard Harris (about-to-be Seth, OLTL), making his first public appearance since joining the show, graciously stayed through the wee hours of the night to meet with new fans. "This is great. I'm so glad to be here," he exclaimed.

SOW Viewers Voice Poll Results: March 12th, 2002 Issue

Sex and the City; What soap hunk should guest on this show?
47% wanted OLTL's Mark Derwin (Ben) to mix it up with the sex-crazed ladies.
32% hoped to see GH's Ingo Rademacher "light up the women's lives."
21% suggested  GL's Ron Raines(Alan) or Days Matt Cedeno(Brandon)

"Boy's Club"

Seven year-old Eddie Alderson (Matthew) was lucky to have mom Kathy and big sister Kristen (Starr) show him the ropes when he landed his first acting job on OLTL  But he's quick to point out that he's got some other special people in his corner.  "Mark Derwin (Ben) is really fun to hang out with," he says of the castmate who made a special trip to the set to offer his support during Alderson's first scenes.  "And Ty Treadway (Troy) is the nicest person.  Ty is my buddy.  He takes me to the store with him to get lunch and practices [my lines] with me."  But is that the only reason why Alderson can often be found hanging out in Treadway's dressing room?  "He's dating supermodel [Monica Suratt]", the actor reveals.  "He's got a huge poster of her on the wall.  I haven't met her yet, but I want to!"

Gutter Bowl:
OLTL Stars Victorious Over WNEW's "Don and Mike"

On February 6th several OLTL cast members participated in a bowling match against WNEW's radio talk show hosts, "Don and Mike" who are know for being OLTL fans. They played the match at Bowlmor Lane in Manhattan on Wed. February 6 at 8:00 pm. Fans in the area, were welcome to go watch and cheer. Lucky fans who attended got to see OLTL the victors in the match. You can check the radio station website: www.wnew.com for more photos.


Daytime Stars Support Benefit For Dolphin and Whale Hospital

Daytime Stars Attend 3rd Annual Valentine's Dinner with the Stars to benefit Dolphin and Whale Hospital at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota Feb. 9th from 5 p.m. - midnight. Those attending include Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC); Mark Derwin, (Ben, OLTL); Josh Duhamel, (Leo, AMC); David Fumero, (Cristian, OLTL); Catherine Hickland, (Lindsay, OLTL); and Walt Willey, (Jackson, AMC).

Standard tickets are $85 per person with premium tickets available for $100-150. Seating is limited and tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. Send check or money orders made out to Mote Marine Laboratory, attention Petra Cunningham, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, FL 34236. For credit card orders call (800) 691-6683, ext. 465 or visit www.mote.org. Call (941) 388-4441, ext. 465 for additional information.

On Soap Center, Friday, January 18th many OLTL castmembers paid tribute to their unsung heros. Mark, along with others acknowledged the invaluable contributions of Stage Manager Alan Needleman, Camerman Howie Zeidman, and Security Guard, David Coleman.
Click Here To See Highlights Of This Tribute.

Soap Opera Digest, February 5th, 2002

Carolyn Hinsey: It's Only My Opinion!

Although I will always hold out hope that OLTL' will reunite it's best couple-Bo and Nora-I have to say that I am intrigued by the idea of Bo and Gabrielle. He keeps her calm and believable, while she gives him something to be bemused about. And I am greatly enjoying Gabrielle's job hunt. Viki almost burst a gut laughing when Gabrielle asked her for a job-the girl's got chutzpah, you gotta give her that.

And did you catch this exchange at the gathering to visit Todd and Blair's baby?
Ben: "You know, now you're going to have to get a minivan and a dog."
Todd: "Good idea. Tomorrow, I'll go get a Humvee and a pit bull."

That would be Todd's idea of suburbia. Come to think of it, Ben was on a roll that day. He took one look at Starr's feathered hair and called her "Farrah."

And what was funnier than Starr's slow burn while her new brother got all the attention and all the presents? "It's not like he's baby Jesus or anything," she sniffed. "All he does is poop and cry and he gets prizes."

But you know what? I think it's time to admit that the Sam character does not work. He was rewritten backstory for Nora from the beginning and never fit in the context of Nora as we new her (she had married Hank very young and had Rachel-when would she have time for a supposed torrid affair with Sam?). The recast of Laurence Lau, appealing as the actor is, has not made the character any better. Sorry, ABC, but if Rae is Rae and Skye is Skye on both AMC and OLTL, then Sam Rappaport is Greg Nelson. You can't have it both ways.

SOD's Carolyn Hinsey: It's Only My Opinion!

Although I will always hold out hope that OLTL' will reunite it's best couple-Bo and Nora-I have to say that I am intrigued by the idea of Bo and Gabrielle. He keeps her calm and believable, while she gives him something to be bemused about. And I am greatly enjoying Gabrielle's job hunt. Viki almost burst a gut laughing when Gabrielle asked her for a job-the girl's got chutzpah, you gotta give her that.

And did you catch this exchange at the gathering to visit Todd and Blair's baby? Ben: "You know, now you're going to have to get a minivan and a dog." Todd: "Good idea. Tomorrow, I'll go get a Humvee and a pit bull."

That would be Todd's idea of suburbia. Come to think of it, Ben was on a roll that day. He took one look at Starr's feathered hair and called her "Farrah."

And what was funnier than Starr's slow burn while her new brother got all the attention and all the presents? "It's not like he's baby Jesus or anything," she sniffed. "All he does is poop and cry and he gets prizes."

But you know what? I think it's time to admit that the Sam character does not work. He was rewritten backstory for Nora from the beginning and never fit in the context of Nora as we new her (she had married Hank very young and had Rachel-when would she have time for a supposed torrid affair with Sam?). The recast of Laurence Lau, appealing as the actor is, has not made the character any better. Sorry, ABC, but if Rae is Rae and Skye is Skye on both AMC and OLTL, then Sam Rappaport is Greg Nelson. You can't have it both ways.

Mark Derwin Entertains His Fans On New Years Day!

OLTL's Mark Derwin fans got a special treat on New Years Day when they got to see him on two of the featured shows chosen by the fans on SoapNet which included "Trading Places" OLTL's hilarious 4th of July presentation and again on the episode that finally solved the "Who Killed Colin?" storyline and put us out of our misery. Loved that brief but fun picnic in the attic scene.

Over on CBS where they showed Classic shows on New Years Day fans who watched were delighted to see Mark on that episode as AC Mallet back in 1991. The episode featured the marriage of Phillip Spaulding and Beth Raines. I snapped a few pics for those who may have missed it.

Daytime's Most Romantic Couples

The readers of Soaps In Depth, picked the duos whose dynamics send their hearts soaring!

For OLTL: Todd and Blair Manning the most dysfunctional couple in daytime were the fans first pick.

They were followed by:
1st Runner Up: Ben and Viki Davidson;
2nd Runner Up: Nora Gannon and Bo Buchanan;
3rd Runner Up: Tea Delgado and Todd Manning.

SOW Poll Results:
Question: In General: For what character would you buy a holiday gift?

66% Wanted to buy OLTL's Ben, Viki or Cristian a holiday gift.

15% Thought OLTL's Carlotta deserves a special gift "to thank her for giving birth to two of the sexiest men alive."

13% GH Nikolas, Days Belle and Y&R Sharon.

6% AMC's Liza was in need of holiday cheer. "I'd buy her a new husband."