Harley and Mallet At Cross Creek

Harley hiding out from Mallet at Cross Creek hears knock on the door and hopes
no one has found her. It turns out to only be Otis, the caretaker of the cabin for HB.

Another knock and she opens the door thinking it's Otis again but....Lo and behold...
there before her stands Mallett and she knows she's been caught!

She immediately slams the door shut!
Her first reaction is panic and needing to find out who snitched on her!

Mallet tries convincing her to open the door...but Harley is too busy
calling Springfield to reach Dillon and see who told Mallet where she was.

Mallet doesn't give up and opens the window and tries to reason with her.
Harley begins to listen and soften a bit...minute by minute.

Soon Mallet has her full attention and he begins to tell her why he's there.

Finally Mallet gets through to her how much she means to him.
And Harley finds herself facing her true feelings for him as well.

At last they both begin to give in to the depth of their feelings for each other.

The realization of what is happening shows in the smiles on their faces.

But of course Harley immediately begins over analyzing the situation and
Mallet just smiles and lets her go on and on until she realizes she's hooked!

At last Harley admits she loves him and quits fighting her feelings.
And then the best love scene I ever watched on Guiding Light begins.
(Of course his many attic love scenes with Viki on OLTL have been way better IMO...
but unfortunately we don't get love scenes under Mr. Tomlin...just teenybopper sex!)

My narrative ends here...just enjoy the photos and the music.

The Good Ole Days!

Ahhh...these were the days when soaps remembered how to write real old fashioned romance. Their storyline had a long build up for months and months, roadblocks, near misses and misunderstandings. We got to know all about both characters and fell for them both. These are the ingredients needed to create a wonderful soap couple. The best part of it all was that at the end there was the payoff!

It's sad to see how little time and efforts soaps spend today to create new couples or to keep their best couples vibrant, sizzling, and alive. New couples now get nothing more than lustful looks, a few longing glances, a couple of brief speed bumps. Often we know very little about one or the other of the characters. They expect the fans to hop on board the train and root for them.

Same for the well established couple...one who did succeed and develops a huge fan following and finally reach the plateau of a married couple. These are the ones who completely disappear? They're neglected and it's shameful! Its disrespectful to the characters/actors and to the fans as well!

Soap ratings are declining from top to bottom and it doesn't surprise this 50+ year soap fan at all. Soaps have forgotten what "brung em"...what got them those ratings..."Real Old Fashion Adult Romance" with angst, mystery, intrigue and consistent writing! Not teenyboppers having gratitious sex day in and day out! I was 9 years old when I started listening to soaps on the radio and it wasn't teens that heightened my interest...it was the complex characters, the mothers, fathers, children and the families and the wonderfully romantic encounters that took months and months to build into something worthwhile.

Yes, there are lots of opinions on this subject and one is that women are no longer home, they're working and don't have time to spend watching soaps. Well, I'm here to say...if you write storylines, the characters, the romances the way you used to...they will find time and they will watch!

Thanks for listening.


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